Tuesday, 12 July 2011

July 2011

This week we heard a boat propeller salesman described as a marine engineer, and this made me think that maybe the fact that all is not as it seems is the major fault with Western society, for, while there is a brown haze, filled with untruths, broken promises and incorrect conclusions hanging above the beer garden at the pub, there is a certain innocence and admirable simplicity in Brooklyn, which doesn't aspire to delusions of grandeur.

It is school holiday time so there are lots of children about fishing and generally enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of Brooklyn. The winds have been like August Westerlies - bitterly cold and very strong, forming white caps and spin drift across the river.

The June/July issue of Club Marine magazine has a feature article about the Hawkesbury, as does the Weekend Australian Travel supplement July 9/10, confirming what most of us know about this beautiful waterway.

The brush turkeys are alive and well and often can be seen in the tops of the highest trees. Unfortunately, as lot of rubbish is placed in the rubbish area, but not inside the bins - even when there is plenty of room - and the birds really foul up the area looking for food among this litter.

One of the homeless men has rehabilitated the steps from the old station master's cottage to the park opposite the railway station. It is an excellent job, and he has use the brush turkeys to his advantage in an ingenious way, in order to facilitate this job.

The station master at Hawkesbury River Station must have felt he was presiding over an exclusive domain from the heights of William Street. It is such a wonderful position.

The warm winter soups are proving very popular at the King Tide Cafe at the marina, and the girls at River Dreams are selling lots of colourful and fashionable winter woollies, including fair trade pure wool beanies and leggings from Nepal.

The Sun, (which in Brooklyn-speak means the ferry), which never seems to stop, is on the slips at Dolphin Marine, so the Hawkesbury Explorer and the Hawkesbury have taken over the Dangar/Little Wobby run for the time being.

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